About me

I’m a Research Assistant Professor (Master’s Advisor) in School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering (SEIEE) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).

I’m actively looking for a few undergrad students to work together. Please feel free to drop me an email with your CV if you have interests!

Personal homepage in Chinese:https://infosec.sjtu.edu.cn/DirectoryDetail.aspx?id=185



  • 2024.12: I was Selected for the Pujiang Project of the Shanghai Magnolia Talent Program.
  • 2024.12: One paper is accepted by ICASSP 2025.
  • 2024.10: I receive funding from Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality.
  • 2024.08: I receive funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China.
  • 2024.07: One paper is accepted by IEEE TIM.
  • 2024.06: One paper is accepted by IEEE TNNLS.
  • 2024.06: I become a reviewer of journal IEEE TPAMI.
  • 2024.02: I join the AI Security Lab led by Prof. Gongshen Liu and Prof. Shilin Wang.
  • 2024.01: One paper is selected as ESI highly cited paper.
  • 2023.12: One paper is accepted by IEEE TNNLS.
  • 2023.09: One paper is accepted by IEEE TAI.
  • 2023.05: One paper is accepted by IEEE TNNLS.
  • 2022.12: One paper is accepted by Information Fusion.

Research Interests

Low-quality Data Mining and Learning;
Remote Sensing Image Understanding;
Artificial Intelligence Security.

Work Experience

  • 2024.02 –, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Reasearch Assistant Professor (Master’s Advisor).

Research Experience

  • 2022.07 – 2023.07, School of Computing (SoC) at National University of Singapore (NUS), Visiting Scholar, advisor: Yang You.

Selected Publications

  1. [IEEE TCYB] Linqing Huang, Zhun-ga Liu, and Dezert Jean. Cross-domain Pattern Classification with Distribution Adaptation Based on Evidence Theory. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (2023-IF: 9.4), 2023. [PDF], [ESI Highly Cited Paper (2023 May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec; 2024 Jan/Feb)]
  2. [IEEE TNNLS] Linqing Huang, Wangbo Zhao, Yong Liu, Duo Yang, Alan Wee-Chung Liew, and Yang You. An Evidential Multi-target Domain Adaptation Method Based on Weighted Fusion for Cross-domain Pattern Classification. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2023-IF: 10.2), 2023. [PDF]
  3. [IEEE TNNLS] Linqing Huang, Jinfu Fan, and Alan Wee-Chung Liew. Integration of Multi-kinds Imputation with Covariance Adaptation Based on Evidence Theory. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2023-IF: 10.2), 2024. [PDF]
  4. [IEEE TIM] Linqing Huang, and Gongshen Liu. Convolutional Feature Aggregation Network with Self-supervised Learning and Decision Fusion for SAR Target Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023-IF: 5.6), 2024. [PDF]
  5. [IEEE TAI] Linqing Huang. Combination of Information in Labeled and Unlabeled Data via Evidence Theory. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2023. [PDF]
  6. [INFFUS] Linqing Huang, Wangbo Zhao, Alan Wee-Chung Liew, and Yang You. An Evidential Combination Method with Multi-color Spaces for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification. Information Fusion (2023-IF: 14.7), 2023. [PDF]
  7. [SCIS] Linqing Huang, zhun-ga Liu, Quan Pan, and Dezert Jean. Evidential Combination of Augmented Multi-source of Information Based on Domain Adaptation. SCIENCE CHINA-Information Sciences (2023-IF: 7.3, CCF-A), 2020. [PDF]
  8. [KBS] Linqing Huang, Jinfu Fan, Wangbo Zhao, and Yang You. A New Multi-source Transfer Learning Method Based on Two-stage Weighted Fusion. Knowledge-Based Systems (2023-IF: 7.2), 2023. [PDF]
  9. [IEEE TNNLS] Zhunga Liu, Linqing Huang, Kuang Zhou, and Thierry Denoeux. Combination of Transferable Classification with Multi-source Domain Adaptation Based on Evidential Reasoning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2023-IF: 10.2), 2021. [PDF], [ESI Highly Cited Paper (2021 Nov/Dec)]
  10. [IEEE TNNLS] Jinfu Fan, Linqing Huang, Chaoyu Gong, Yang You, Min Gan, and Zhongjie Wang. KMT-PLL: K-means Cross-attention Transformer for Partial Label Learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2023-IF: 10.2), 2024. [PDF]
  11. [PR] Jinfu Fan, Yang Yu, Linqing Huang, and Zhongjie Wang. GraphDPI: Partial Label Disambiguation by Graph Representation Learning via Mutual Information Maximization. Pattern Recognition (2023-IF: 7.5), 2023. [PDF]
  12. [CJA] Zhunga Liu, Jingfei Duan, Linqing Huang, Jean DEZERT, and Yongqiang Zhao. Combination of Classifiers with Incomplete Frames of Discernment. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (2023-IF: 5.3), 2022. [PDF]
  13. [ICASSP 2025] Linqing Huang, Jinfu Fan, Shi-Lin Wang, Gongshen Liu, and Shouxuan Liu. Towards A Distribution Alignment Framework for Incomplete Data Classification. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2025.
  14. [IGARSS 2024] Linqing Huang, Jinfu Fan, and Kai Xu. SAR Target Recognition Based on Convolutional Feature Aggregation and Decision Combination. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2024. [PDF]

In Peer Review

  1. DJCA
  2. IDAC
  3. MET
  4. MMET
  5. RMST
  6. PML-TF
  7. PLZSL
  8. CSCM
  9. TLMM
  11. PML-DLE
  12. PLL-MLC

Useful Links

  1. Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems (IIIS) at Griffith University (GU)
  2. High Performance Computing for Artifical Intelligence (HPC-AI) Lab at National University of Signapore (NUS)

Selected Honors

  1. China National Scholarship for Graduate, Ministry of Education of P.R. China, 2021. (The highest level of scholarship for graduate set by the government of China)
  2. China National Scholarship for Undergraduate, Ministry of Education of P.R. China, 2016. (The highest level of scholarship for undergraduate set by the government of China)
  3. National Encouragement Scholarship for Undergraduate, Education Department of Henan Province, 2015.
  4. National Encouragement Scholarship for Undergraduate, Education Department of Henan Province, 2014.

Academic Services

Reviewer of journals:

  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
  • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB)
  • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (TFS)
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (TSMC-S)
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TIV)
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I)
  • IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI)
  • Frontiers of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering (FITEE)
  • Machine Intelligence Research (MIR)
  • etc

Reviewer of conferences:

  • ICASSP 2025
  • ICME 2025
  • IJCNN 2025


Master Students:

  • Tingxuan Gu (顾庭轩), 2024.09-

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